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抖音泰國小姐姐唱的是什麼歌 完整版歌詞介紹









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

發表於 2018-6-20 10:53:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
  I may be crazy don't mind me
  Say boy let's not talk too much
  So the bar is where I go
  Although my heart is falling too
  Grab on my waist and put that body on me
  Every day discovering something brand new
  Last night you were in my room
  I'm in love with your body
  And now my bed sheets smell like you
  Come on be my baby come on
  We push and pull like a magnet do
  Every day discovering something brand new
  I'm in love with your body
  Oh I oh I oh I oh I
  I'm in love with your body
  Come on be my baby come on
  I'm in love with your body
  Come on now follow my lead
  Come on be my baby come on
  Come on be my baby come on
  Every day discovering something brand new
  I'm in love with your body
  Me and my friends at the table doing shots
  You come over and start up a conversation with just me
  I'm in love with your body
  Every day discovering something brand new
  Every day discovering something brand new
  Take my hand stop put Van The Man on the jukebox
  Oh I oh I oh I oh I
  And how your family is doing okay
  Oh I oh I oh I oh I
  One week in we let the story begin
  Leave and get in a taxi then kiss in the backseat
  Oh I oh I oh I oh I
  We push and pull like a magnet do
  Come on be my baby come on
  Come on be my baby come on
  I'm in love with your body
  I'm in love with your body
  Your love was handmade for somebody like me
  Come on now follow my lead
  歌名:shape of you 視頻首發者:王小娜的小時候 視頻簡介:@泰國小妹妹唱的很不錯
  I'm in love with your body
  I'm in love with the shape of you
  Girl you know I want your love
  Your love was handmade for somebody like me
  Come on now follow my lead
  Say boy let's not talk too much
  Every day discovering something brand new
  I'm in love with your body
  Girl you know I want your love
  You and me are thrifty so go all you can eat
  I'm in love with the shape of you
  Fill up your bag and I fill up a plate
  I'm in love with the shape of you
  And now my bed sheets smell like you
  I'm in love with your body
  We push and pull like a magnet do
  Last night you were in my room
  Oh I oh I oh I oh I
  We talk for hours and hours about the sweet and the sour
  Although my heart is falling too
  I'm in love with your body
  And then we start to dance and now I'm singing like
  I'm in love with your body
  Come on be my baby come on
  I'm in love with the shape of you
  I'm in love with your body
  Grab on my waist and put that body on me
  Come on now follow my lead
  Come on be my baby come on
  And last night you were in my room
  Come on be my baby come on
  I'm in love with the shape of you
  We're going out on our first date
  Although my heart is falling too
  I'm in love with your body
  Tell the driver make the radio play and I'm singing like
  Come come on now follow my lead
  The club isn't the best place to find a lover
延伸閱讀: 原標題:抖音泰國小姐姐唱的是什麼歌 人美歌甜 責任編輯:陳玲玲
  Oh I oh I oh I oh I
  I'm in love with the shape of you
  Come on be my baby come on
  Come on be my baby come on
  Come come on now follow my lead
  I may be crazy don't mind me
  Drinking fast and then we talk slow
  And trust me I'll give it a chance now
  And now my bed sheets smell like you

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